Why choose All-Natural, Grass Fed Beef?
Here at Sebago Lake Ranch we do not use any form of growth hormones, or feeds with antibiotics. Our cows all graze on lush Maine pastures throughout the spring and into the early winter months. They are then supplemented with our farm raised hay during the winter when grazing through the snow isn't possible. They get to live outdoors, eating from nature's 'salad bar' on a daily basis. This makes for happy cows and a healthier product. Also, check our blog above for information on our special mention in Maine. magazine on locally sourced meats!
According to many sources and also an article featured in MOTHER EARTH NEWS, grass fed is "better for the environment than crowding cattle onto feedlots, which causes serious problems with air and water quality."
Unfortunately, what we're suddenly becoming more attuned to is another point Jo Robinson makes about feeding cattle corn: "This unnatural grain-based diet is producing toxic E.coli bacteria." Jo Robinson wrote Why Grass Fed is Best in 2000 explaining the many health benefits of grass fed beef.
Learn more about the benefits of pastured raised meats and eggs. We highly recommend the book Pasture Perfect by Jo Robinson. It goes into great detail about all the health benefits of a healthier animal and healthier you in addition to offering a great section of recipes to try!
for the Animals ...... eating
(in the pasture) what nature intended
for the Environment ...... harmony
between the land and the animals
Better for
the Farmer/Rancher ..... living
and working in a healthy sustainable atmosphere
Food ...... grass fed foods are
lower in saturated fats and higher in essential nutrients
for You ...... nutritious
grass fed foods support better overall health
If you would like some detailed information about the many nutritional, environmental and health benefits of natural, grass fed beef please visit: Eat Wild. They have several articles and great information.
We finish animals at about 24 months old around the Summer Solstice to produce a superior product. We are currently taking deposits for June/July at this time. Please contact us for availability, as sides go quickly.
Download the Current Price Sheet for current prices and availability of different cuts.
Payments by cash, check, money order or credit cards.
We are currently only selling beef by the 1/4, 1/2 and whole animal quantities during the summer months. We discontinued retail sales in the fall of 2014.
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